If you’re a faith-filled entrepreneur,
this could make all the difference for you…

Put Your Sales Process on Auto-Pilot
So You Can Live Abundantly
While Fulfilling Your Calling

My 3-part system can generate more revenue for your business every month

If you’re a faith-filled entrepreneur, this could make all the difference for you…

Puts Your Sales Process on Auto-Pilot So You Can Live Abundantly
While Fulfilling Your Calling

My 3-part system can generate more revenue for your business every month

FREE 3-Part Email Course Helps You
Attract Your Ideal Customers Fast!

Hello, fellow entrepreneur… I see you.

Perhaps, like me, you started your business because you felt called to it. But now, you might be wondering how to attract a steady stream of customers to your business.  So you can live the life of freedom and abundance you dream about having. 

Since as many as 29% of businesses fail because they run out of cash, attracting and keeping customers is serious business.

I don’t want that for your business.  I’m sure you don’t want that either.

Most people, even many who are entrepreneurs, still cringe when they hear the word SELLING.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

What would it mean to you to be able to sell your products and services with integrity, knowing your faith-based values were infused in the process?

Selling your products and services to the people you were meant to do business with is not about twisting arms and manipulating people.  – It’s about SERVING people.

You have a responsibility to serve people using the gifts and talents you’ve been given by a generous, loving, Creator.  Who knows, maybe you, like Esther, have been created “for such a time as this.”

We can all agree that not telling another thirsty traveler where to find water in the desert is dishonest and just plain selfish.  Our products and services are the same way.  Other people – or maybe millions of them – have a need that only you can fill best.  

Selling is about letting other people know about the solution you have so they can finally have that need met.

But How Do You Maximize Your Sales?

You’ve heard it said that the devil’s in the details.  Why not the Divine is in the details?

What would it feel like to show up and be your authentic self in your business EVERY DAY? 

When your marketing communications speak directly to your ideal customers, the people you’re not right for will leave you in the dust like the children of Israel fleeing from the Egyptians.  

The folks you ARE right for will join your tribe and head into battle with you.  They’ll herald your praises to everyone they know.  And they’ll be loyal, repeat customers. 

What would it mean to you if you could be at peace at the end of the day, confident you made a difference in the lives of your customers?

🌟  Sharing your unique gifts with those you were meant to serve

🌟 Knowing you met a genuine need in their lives

🌟Serving from down deep – from your heart – out of your calling

🌟 Increasing your reach to serve more people

🌟 Choosing to work with other businesses whose values align with yours

It’s All Possible

When you use my proven 3-part system in your marketing to:

  • Attract customers to your business
  • Build relationships with them
  • Convert them into paying customers

It’s All Possible

When you use my proven 3-part system in your marketing to:

  • Attract customers to your business
  • Build relationships with them
  • Convert them into paying customers
Increase Sales

But That’s Not All

When you use the right marketing communications, you’ll also be able to:

💲 Provide well for your family and your employees

💲 Live a life of abundance, not scarcity and lack

💲 Give to causes you believe in and have the resources to do it

💲 Create a legacy of faith and business for your loved ones

So What’s the Secret
To All This?

The proven 3-part marketing system is collectively called a sales funnel.  

Maybe you already have one or more parts of a sales funnel in your business.

When you connect all 3 parts of a sales funnel, you’ll have a proven system that will let you put your sales on autopilot.  You can even generate sales while you sleep.  

Using all the pieces of a sales funnel to align your messaging, you can confidently, courageously, and consistently infuse your values into your marketing communication and weave in your personal story of faith in your business.  After all, your faith and your business don’t have to be disconnected.  In fact, they shouldn’t be.  

“…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.”  I Peter 3:15

Maybe, like the children of Israel, you are ready to claim the abundance that God has for you.  You’ve trusted Him, stepping into your calling – you can even remember the waters of the Jordan River at flood stage as you crossed over.  Maybe your hem is still damp.

You know you aren’t called to walk in the wilderness for 40 years.  You’ve already watched the walls of Jericho fall down in your business.  Now you’re ready to explore the rich blessings of your Promised Land.

Maybe, like David, you know you have the anointing of God on your life.  You know you’re the king of your business – you’re already living in the palace.  You’re grateful for the riches you’ve been given so far.  

But between commanding your army (your team), fighting your enemies (your competition), and protecting your spoils (your finances), you don’t have time to craft all your marketing communications. 

Maybe, like Samuel, you hear a voice calling you.  You’ve identified where the voice is coming from.  You know what you’ve called to do, and you’ve stepped into it by starting your business.  But now, you’ve realized that you need someone with expertise to guide your marketing strategy and communications.

Why wait?

You probably already know
marketing and copywriting aren’t your gifts.

What you do know is that your income is directly proportionate to the number of people you help.  You want to increase your reach.

You cannot hold what God has for you
when your hands are full of things
He never intended for you to carry.

Maybe it’s time to put down some of the tasks you’re holding that no longer serve you.   Let me put my talents of marketing, storytelling and analyzing to work for your business.  Then, you’ll have the freedom to leverage your unique gifts to grow your business in other ways.

I’ve been told that I pick up on details other people miss.  Reading between the lines and crafting compelling stories are just two of my strengths.  

Here’s what you can expect when you work with me: 

Amy Ward is a terrific writer. She has the unique ability to turn a simple conversation into a nuanced story. She is perceptive, meticulous and often reads between the lines to pick up on details that were not covered in the initial discussion.  I can personally attest to her ability to write in others’ voices, as she often did this for me with great success. Amy is a dedicated professional and an absolute pleasure to work with.”  – Ben Glick

Let me help you develop an inspired marketing plan that’s as unique as you are.

Book your complimentary 30-minute Connected Consultation Call so you can get started today!

P.S. A year from now, you could be serving at your highest potential…What are you waiting for?

 This is your time.  Let’s get started.